GMPTEC GmbH| +49 (0) 5182 – 96 257 82| +49 (0) 5182 – 96 257 83| | International Service

Tank Outlet Valve

Tank outlet valves (TOV) are very important elements in vessel construction. These valves are installed at the lowest point of a vessel. Our valves are especially easy to clean, because their sealing radial diaphragms and the valve body are designed to be free of dead legs. Product and also cleaning agents can flow through the valve without turbulences, until the vessel is entirely empty. GMPTEC offers tank outlet valves for flange mounting as well as valve bodies for a direct welding in into the vessels bottom.


Purpose and models of the Tank Outlet Valve

The commonly used short form of tank outlet valve is TOV. There are basically only two common ways to drain a vessel. First, pumping out the medium with a riser pipe or, second, the widely used tank outlet valve. There are different types of valves which can be used. Like flat membrane valves, bellow valves, ball valves or also flap valves. More and more the radial diaphragm valves are being used, because they are GMP compliant and meet also the high requirements for CIP / SIP processes. Especially in the pharmaceutical industry the radial diaphragm valve is the one that’s most often used as a TOV. This is due to the many advantages of this type of valve, such as the compact body, turbulence free flow and the dead leg free design.

Radial Diaphragm Tank Outlet Valve

GMPTEC valves for draining vessels base on the excellent technology of radial diaphragm valves. The available gasket materials are silicone, PTFE and also EPDM. All membranes are easily exchangeable during maintenance and do not require specific knowledge in mechanical engineering. The actuation of the valve can be done either manually or automatically. Furthermore, the actuation can be custom designed, for instance, if the vessel is very big and the valve would be hardly reachable. In such cases we offer handwheel extensions or similar solutions. For pneumatic valve activation you can get an additional LED displays. This shows whether the tank outlet valve is opened or closed. The valve exit can be delivered according to your requirements, for example with a simple welding end, Tri-Clamp, pipe elbow or also with an extension and of course everything can be ordered with or without CIP/SIP connection.

cGMP Tank Outlet Valves are compliant to:

  • USP Class VI 121°C <87><88> ADIF, TSE/BSE
  • FDA CFR 21
  • Working temperature -80°C to 200°C
  • Valve sizes ½“ – 4“
  • Connections: Welding ends, Tri-Clamp, further on request
  • Overpressure -1 bar to 10 bar
  • Gasket materials TFM, PTFE, EDPM, SILICONE
  • Valve body materials 1.4404 und 1.4435
  • Special materials on request
  • PED pressure equipment directive
  • Surface finish with contact to the product RA < 0,2 µm
  • Surface finish without contact to the product RA < 0,8 µm
  • Optional surface certification 2.2
  • ATEX II 2
  • Optional GD-T4
  • On request CE Ex II 2 GDX
  • CE conformity
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