GMPTEC GmbH| +49 (0) 5182 – 96 257 82| +49 (0) 5182 – 96 257 83| | International Service

Silicone Tubing

The GMPTEC Silicone Tubing is a clear tubing made of platinum cured silicone. It has been developed to answer the highest requirements of the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry and is produced in a modern cleanroom. The tubing features several documents of validation and is conform to UPS Class VI and FDA. Due to its high quality and excellent properties it is applicable for many different processes and always provides a superior performance.


GMPTEC Silicone Tubing

The platinum-catalyzed Silicone Tubing is made of a clear silicone material and is neutral in flavor and odor as well as free of animal components.

As already mentioned above the material has been tested extensively and is amongst others conform to FDA, UPS Class VI and also to the cGMP requirements. The production follows strict quality controls in an cleanroom to guarantee a steady and high quality in production.

The GMPTEC Silicone Tubing is mainly used in pharmaceutical and also biotechnological processes. There it is utilized for example in pump applications or the transfer of liquids. Its transparency makes it especially fit for products that must be monitored for instance to make sure it is free of entrapped air or contamination. The tubing can be not only autoclaved, but also gamma-sterilized and is therefore suitable for any processes under sterile conditions.

Based on its properties the Tubing is excellent for critical processes and also applications that require high-quality materials in order to manufacture a high-class final product.

Self-evidently, the product is suitable for tube sets and also for gamma-sterilized ready-to-use assemblies.

Special features and applications of a Silicone Tubing

  • platin-catalyzed silicone
  • transparent material
  • large temperature range
  • high flexibility
  • neutral in not only flavor, but also odor
  • ETO, autoclavable and also gamma-sterilizable
  • transfer of liquids
  • cell cultivation
  • filling
  • pumping
  • single-use-assemblies

The Silicone Tubing meets:

  • UPS Class VI
  • ISO 10993
  • Animal Derived Ingredients Free (ADIF)
  • FDA CFR Title 21 Section 177.2600
  • cGMP conform
  • manufactured in cleanroom cl. 7

Physical Properties:

Physical Properties Value ASTM Test
Specific Gravity 1.15
Hardness, Shore A 50 D 2240
Tensile Strength psi (Mpa) 1200 (8.3) D 412
Elongation (%) 720 D 412
Tear Resistance, Die B lbf./in. (KN/m) 200 (35.1) D 624
Tensile Modulus @ 100% psi (Mpa) 250 (1.7) D 412
Temperature Rating, Deg. F 400


GMPTEC Silicone Tubing Sizes

Part Number ID OD Wall
GMPSIL002x144 0.02” 0.144” 1/16”
GMPSIL031x093 1/32” 3/32” 1/32”
GMPSIL031x156 1/32” 5/32” 1/16”
GMPSIL062x187 1/16” 3/16” 1/16”
GMPSIL125x250 1/8” 1/4″ 1/16”
GMPSIL125x312 1/8” 5/16” 3/32”
GMPSIL187x312 3/16” 5/16” 1/16”
GMPSIL187x375 3/16” 3/8” 3/32”
GMPSIL250x375 1/4″ 3/8” 1/16”
GMPSIL250x437 1/4″ 7/16” 3/32”
GMPSIL250x500 1/4″ 1/2″ 1/8”
GMPSIL312x375 5/16” 3/8” 1/32”
GMPSIL312x437 5/16” 7/16” 1/16”
GMPSIL312x500 5/16” 1/2″ 3/32”
GMPSIL375x500 3/8” 1/2″ 1/16”
GMPSIL375x562 3/8” 9/16” 3/32”
GMPSIL375x625 3/8” 5/8” 1/8”
GMPSIL500x750 1/2″ 3/4″ 1/8”
GMPSIL625x812 5/8” 13/16” 3/32”
GMPSIL625x875 5/8” 7/8” 1/8”
GMPSIL750x1156 3/4″ 1-5/32” 1/8”
GMPSIL750x1125 3/4″ 1-1/8” 3/16”
GMPSIL1000x1250 1” 1-1/4” 1/8”
GMPSIL1000x1375 1” 1-3/8” 3/16”
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