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Dissipative PFA Tubing

Dissipative PFA tubing are compliant to the requirements of DIN EN 12115:2011 and can be applied in challenging processes or explosive areas. Depending on the process and area, there are different requirements that call for a specific type of dissipative PFA tubing and each of them needs to be differentiated – these types will be explained in the description. Further information about each of the available dissipative PFA tubing can be found in the product tabs.


Information about Dissipative PFA Tubing

Dissipative PFA Tubing have a smooth and highly clean inner liner made of perfluoroalkoxy (PFA) which is nearly gas-tight. They also have a reinforcement of synthetic fabric and a wire spiral made of stainless steel. Moreover, we offer types which have additional worked-in copper wires. The construction of the dissipative PFA tubing guarantees the lowest possible electric resistance. This prevents sparks and also similar sources of ignition by an electrostatic charge.

Following the DIN EN 12115:2011 different types of tubing have to be distinguished from another:

  • Ohm/T-Variant: Model with the highest security standards. The entire tubing consists of conductible rubber mixtures. The conductivity between each fitting is 106 ohm and 109 ohm through the wall. This model suits for applications with explosive mixtures in the inside or in explosive areas. During the process, the tubing is entirely or partly in an ATEX or EX-zone.
  • Ohm-Variant: Model with high security standards. The entire tubing consists of conductible rubber mixtures. This model suits for regular applications, e.g. as a filling tubing for media of the explosion group IIA. It is the proper choice if the tubing is only partly used in an ATEX or EX-zones.
  • M/T-Variant: Also, this tubing is in generally suitable for the same applications as the Ohm/T variant. However, it is to consider that this type gets its conductivity of metallic conductors which will endure higher strains in the tubing. Therefore, a regular monitoring of the conductivity is highly recommended. If it is to be expected that stray currents may occur, the use of M/T and M-tubing is to avoid.
  • M-Variant: This model suits regular applications like transporting media of the explosion group IIA. The limitations are corresponding to the ones of the M/T-variant.

Depending of the type, the dissipative PFA tubing can be used even in the most pretentious applications and also areas, in order to secure the quality of the final product as well as the safety of the employees.

Features and Properties of Dissipative PFA Tubing

  • Suitable for ATEX areas
  • Conductible and also Antistatic
  • Patent-registered Design
  • Highly Clean PFA Inner Liner
  • Not only high Chemical Resistance, but also high Impermeability to Gas
  • Overpressure Resistance
  • Vacuum Resistance
  • High Flexibility
  • Odor- and also Tasteless

Processes and Applications

  • Applications in ATEX Areas
  • Assembled Tubing with Fittings
  • Transfer of Liquids
  • Transfer of explosive Media
  • Overpressure and also Vacuum Applications
  • Flexible Connections of Pipes and Vessels

Conformities and Properties

  • EN 12115:2011
  • UPS Class VI
  • ISO 10993-4, -10, -11
  • ISO 10993-5 – non cytotoxic
  • 3-A Standards
  • FDA compliant
  • Free of Animal Components

The dissipative PFA tubing consist only of extensively tested and certified materials. The tubing are compliant to the specifications of the FDA, USP Class VI and also are free of animal components. Due to their high flexibility and also little bending radius the dissipative PFA tubing work well as connecting elements or compensating pieces in existing systems and on vessels.

Self-evidently, we also offer the dissipative PFA tubing as ready-to-use tubing with fittings made of stainless steel. You can find more information about assembled tubing in the following link!

Details about the Dissipative PFA Tubing DYNAMIC® SAFE-TECH

This tubing has a mirror-smooth inner liner, which is excellent to clean and a high resistance against chemicals and acids.

Here you will find the entire data sheet about the tubing DYNAMIC® SAFE-TECH!

Internal diameter [mm] External diameter[mm] Working pressure [Bar] Burst pressure [Bar] Vacuum [Bar]
13 25 10 40 – 0,9
19 31 10 40 – 0,9
25 37 10 40 – 0,9
32 45 10 40 – 0,9
38 51 10 40 – 0,9
51 65,5 10 10 – 0,9
63,5 79,5 10 40 – 0,9
76 92 10 40 – 0,9
100 117 10 40 – 0,9

Details about the Dissipative PFA Tubing DYNAMIC® SAFE-TECH PREMIUM

This tubing is especially resistant against temperatures and chemicals. It is suitable for challenging processes.

Here you will find the entire data sheet about the tubing DYNAMIC® SAFE-TECH PREMIUM!

Internal diameter [mm] External diameter[mm] Working pressure [Bar] Burst pressure [Bar] Vacuum [Bar]
13 25 10 40 – 0,9
19 31 10 40 – 0,9
25 37 10 40 – 0,9
32 45 10 40 – 0,9
38 51 10 40 – 0,9
51 65,5 10 10 – 0,9
63,5 79,5 10 40 – 0,9
76 92 10 40 – 0,9

Details about the Dissipative PFA Tubing DYNAMIC® ANTISTATIC

This tubing has a white inner liner which is made of PFA. It has a mirror-smooth finish and is odor- and tasteless.

Here you will find the entire data sheet about the tubing of DYNAMIC® ANTISTATIC!

Internal diameter [mm] External diameter[mm] Working pressure [Bar] Burst pressure [Bar] Vacuum [Bar]
13 25 10 40 – 0,9
19 31 10 40 – 0,9
25 37 10 40 – 0,9
32 45 10 40 – 0,9
38 51 10 40 – 0,9
51 65,5 10 10 – 0,9
63,5 79,5 10 40 – 0,9
76 92 10 40 – 0,9
100 117 10 40 – 0,9
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