GMPTEC GmbH| +49 (0) 5182 – 96 257 82| +49 (0) 5182 – 96 257 83| | International Service

Fittings, Clamps and Gaskets

Sanitary fittings, clamps and gaskets are being used in GMP liquid and solid productions and allow to create aseptic connections with a nearly completely smooth inner surface. Therefore many different gaskets materials are available, which need to be chosen according to the individual process and requirements, because a safe and non-leaking connection can only be made with the correct choice of gasket material.

Components for Tri-Clamp Connections

In order to create a safe and reliable Tri-Clamp connection, the following components are required:

  • Tri-Clamp Fittings
  • Tri-Clamp Gasket
  • Tri-Clamp Clamp

GMPTEC is your number one source for this kind of components and provides excellent quality only! Many products are available directly from stock or with short lead times!

Tri-Clamp Fittings and Stainless Steel Components

The GMPTEC portfolio covers a broad range of different Tri-Clamp fittings made of stainless steel. It basically includes all components which are being used in modern production facilities, e.g. flanges, elbows, tee pieces and reducers. All of these fittings are manufactured according to common industrial standards like DIN 32676, ISO 2852 or ASME BPE.

Many components are available according to the strict ASME BPE SF1 and SF4 specifications and have an internal surface roughness of Ra < 0,5 µm (SF1) and Ra < 0,375 µm (SF4).

Besides stainless steel fittings with Tri-Clamp connections, we also offer regular stainless steel fittings which can be welded. Our product range for these parts also covers all common types and sizes.

As part of our additional services, we offer individual laser engraving and packaging of gaskets, fittings and clamps. Please feel free to contact us for further advice!

Tri-Clamp Clamps

The suiting stainless steel Tri-Clamp clamps, which close the aseptic connection and secure it against leakages and unwanted reopening, are also part of our GMPTEC portfolio. There are many different types of clamps available, like two-piece or three-piece clamps and high-pressure clamps which need to be tightened by using a tool and are able to withstand high pressures. These TC clamps fit all flange sizes according to the common standards and can be equipped with different nuts.

Tri-Clamp Gaskets, Special Gaskets and Diaphragms

Besides fittings and clamps, our portfolio also includes suiting gaskets for Tri-Clamp connections.  Especially the materials EPDM, PTFE, Viton® and Silicone are common standard materials within the industry and are successfully being used by many manufacturing companies. Besides the standard version (Type 1), many gaskets are also available as a flanged version (Type 2).

In addition to the standard materials, there are a number of gaskets made of special materials, which have especially been developed for specific cases of applications.

The GMPTEC portfolio also covers a range of special gaskets like screen gaskets, orifice plate gaskets, reductions and gaskets with ports for sensors. You can also find replacement diaphragms for many different types of diaphragm valves within our portfolio.

Applications and Processes for Fittings, Clamps and Gaskets:

  • System- & Vessel Manufacturing
  • Production Systems
  • Pump Applications
  • Mobile Vessels
  • Stationary Vessels
  • Transfer Systems
  • CIP/SIP Connections
  • Filling Applications
  • Replacement Diaphragms (GEMÜ, Saunders, etc.)
  • Purification Systems
  • Filtration Applications

GMPTEC Fittings, Clamps and Gaskets are compliant to:

  • USP Class VI
  • FDA
  • 3.1 Material Certificate
  • cGMP Standards
  • 3-A Standards
  • Aseptic Design
  • Great Cleanability
  • High Pressure Resistance
  • High Chemical Resistance
  • DIN 32676

(Conformities and properties can vary depending on the type of product)

Frequently asked Questions about Fittings, Clamps and Gaskets:

What happens when a Tri-Clamp clamp is tightened too much?2019-12-20T13:03:26+00:00

When a TC clamps gets tightened too much, it’s most likely that the gasket between the flanges will be squeezed excessively. This will result into an unwanted deformation of the gasket and thereby, it will extend into the pipe or tubing. This creates a dead spot which is the ideal basis for deposits, biofilm and contaminations. It is absolutely mandatory to tighten Tri-Clamp clamps with the right amount of torque.

Which advantages offer flanged Tri-Clamp gaskets?2019-12-20T13:03:03+00:00

Especially in terms of installation and handling, this type of gasket offers many advantages. The gasket can be put on the Tri-Clamp flange and will stay into this position by itself. This simplifies the whole installation process tremendously, because the user only needs to close the connection, without the need to fixate the gasket by hand while doing so.

Do the replacement diaphragms fit GEMÜ valves?2019-12-20T12:34:18+00:00

Yes, GMPTEC offers you replacement diaphragms which fit GEMÜ valves. Additionally, you can find other replacement diaphragms for valves made by ITT, SED and Saunders within our portfolio.


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